Everyday English for ESL kids

Expressions of Quantity

printable resources for kids to learn everyday English expressions

learning and teaching resources

Worksheets and classroom games that can help kids learn and practise how to express quantity in English. Scroll down to explore.

How to browse the resources

Below you will find a selection of printable readers, lesson posters, activity wokrsheets, test worksheets and learning games sets. Although designed as a complement of our online Expressions of Quantity unit, these resources can be used separately in any way you want and need.

To easy access, they are grouped by activity type into three categories:

Also, you can browse all 36 sets of printable resources in one place. Each set focuses on a particular topic, for example, Talking about the weather or Asking and telling the time, and contains readers, flashcards, worksheets, tests and classroom games to help students learn everyday expressions or phrases in a fun way.

Our printables are in pdf format. To download them, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Readers, lesson posters, activity worksheets and tests to learn and practise English expressions in a fun way.

Everyday English dialogues
  • Reader »
  • Easy-to-read dialogues to improve reading skills, as well as to learn and practise English expressions.
English lessons: expressions
  • Lesson »
  • A lesson poster that introduces and explains new vocabulary through pictures and sentence examples.
ESL worksheets for kids
  • Activities »
  • Simple tasks and exercises that give kids the chance to be familiar with new words and phrases.
English tests for students
  • Test »
  • Simple tests and quizzes that help pupils to consolidate new material and revise what they have learnt.
  • answer key »

The games pack includes printable materials that you can mix and use in a variety of ways to play different learning games.

Language games
Teaching resources
English games for kids
  • Scoreboard »
  • An optional board to write down the score of a game.
ESL teacher's resources
  • Markers »
  • Not mandatory for our games. You can use buttons instead.

Three games that can be done in class to practise or revise the following structures: Numbers 20-100, Say a number..., Add, Subtract