Our pages filled with vocabulary printables are a large area to explore! Here you can learn more about the structure and content of the section.
In this guide you will find useful information about how the resources are organised and how you can browse them. We hope the links below can be useful in helping you to find and choose suitable material for you and your students:
All resources are available for free to download and print what you need, and make as many copies as you like. You may use the materials for educational purposes as long as they are not being printed for resale. Please be familiar with our Terms of Use before using any materials from this site.
There are 288 vocabulary activities to choose from. To easy access, they are organised into three categories: word games, worksheets, sets of printables. Each category is divided into smaller areas, that come with materials to print and classroom games ideas.
Our Vocabulary Printables section is a large area to explore, filled with hundreds of learning and teaching resources. The following pages can be helpful if you don't know where to start, or just can't find the resources that you are looking for.