Animals that start with W

printable resources

Animals starting with W - printable resources

Download and print resources to learn and practise animal names starting with the letter W.

Flashcards to learn animal names starting with W

Flashcards PDF »

Vocabulary: 5 animal names that begin with the letter W: weasel, whale, wolf, woodpecker, worm

The flashcards can be used in a variety of ways. They are great for presenting, practising or revising new language. And they make learning fun! You can use them to play different word games such as memory, matching, guessing, missing cards, or Bingo games.

Word games to learn animal names starting with W

Secret Word PDF »

Vocabulary: 5 animal names that begin with the letter W: weasel, whale, wolf, woodpecker, worm

Try to figure out the secret word that begins with the letter W. To solve this puzzle, match the pictures with the words, then write the letters in the empty boxes. You can read the secret word vertically from top to bottom.