Here you will find links to all of the holiday flashcard sets collected in one, easy-to-access, easy-to-search place. Scroll down to explore!
Holiday flashcard sets are divided into three groups:
Holiday words »
Great for presenting, practising or revising new language. Also, you can use them to play different word games such as memory, matching, guessing, missing cards, or Bingo games.
Words and definitions »
Double-sided self-checking cards to play different games. Visit this page for some game ideas.
Question cards »
Sets of 1double-sided cards to play quiz games. Check out some game ideas.
Each resource image below is a link to the pdf file. Our printables are in pdf format. To download them, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
You may also be interested in our vocabulary topic-based sets of printable resources related to English holidays. You can browse them by visiting the following pages: Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Valentine's Day.