Games for kids to learn English in a fun way

ABC Games

I am Jeffrey Jellyfish.
And this is the letter J.

Click on me to hear the sound.

Click on the picture to hear the sound.

Learning the alphabet in a fun way Picture dictionary for kids: jaguar
Educational games for ESL kids Picture dictionary for kids: jar
Learning English ABCs Picture dictionary for kids: jacket
Wordsearch games for kids learning English Picture dictionary for kids: jeans
Online resources for English teachers Picture dictionary for kids: jam
Teacher's resources: English ABCs Picture dictionary for kids: jellyfish

How many other English words do you know that start with the letter J?

Type your words into a computer and choose a different fun font for each word.

Write each of your spelling words. Then go back and circle all of the vowels in your spelling words!

Who am I?

I like my spotted fur
My jaws are big and wide
If you can hear my purr
Just run away and hide

Tongue Twister

J was once a jar of jam,
Jammy mammy
Clammy jammy
Sweety swammy
Jar of jam!